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Recent developments in multi-hazard early-warning systems

3rd International ConferenceNatural Hazards and Risks in a Changing World
Addressing Compound and Multi-Hazard Risk


Robert Sakic Trogrlic (International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis IIASA)


Marleen de Ruiter (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)Marc van den Homberg (510)

The availability and access to multi-hazard early warning systems (MH-EWS) are recognized as one of the seven global targets of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030, with MH-EWS composed of four core and interrelated components:

  1. disaster risk knowledge,
  2. detection, monitoring, analysis, and forecasting of hazards and possible consequences,
  3. warning dissemination and communication, and
  4. preparedness and response capabilities. Despite progress made in enhancing the global coverage of MH-EWS, recent evidence shows that almost a third of the global population is still not covered by EWS, with remaining challenges and unequal enhancement across four components (e.g., much more attention to forecasting capabilities compared to dissemination and communication).

We invite abstracts presenting recent developments across the four components and especially encourage submissions focused on end-to-end and people-centered EWS, which showcase the latest methodological enhancement for designing MH-EWS, including insights on how EWS can support multi-hazard disaster risk management, and the growing complexity of tackling hazard interrelationships (e.g., triggering, compound, consecutive hazards).  The session welcomes interdisciplinary submissions that foster collaboration across domains (e.g., from physical, social, and engineering) as we recognize that addressing thetc he complexity of MH-EWS necessitates a holistic and multifaceted perspective.