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Storylines and narratives for multi-hazard, multi-risk decision-making

3rd International ConferenceNatural Hazards and Risks in a Changing World
Addressing Compound and Multi-Hazard Risk


Julia Crummy (British Geological Survey)


Lara Smale (British Geological Survey)Melanie Duncan (British Geological Survey)Dana Stuparu (Deltares)

Storylines and narratives provide qualitative descriptions of one or more chains of past or plausible future events that can be used to facilitate understanding of complex events, and guide the development of decision-making pathways for disaster risk management and climate adaptation. For example, hazardous events frequently involve complex multi-hazard relationships and can result in direct, indirect, and systemic impacts with interactions across sectors and scales. Bring into this sectoral interdependencies, and multi-risk decision-making can quickly become very complicated, especially as the components of risk evolve through space and time. As such, storylines and narratives can be powerful tools for defining complex interrelationships and for effective communication to government, decision-makers, practitioners, and the public.

We invite contributions to this session from across disciplines including climate change adaptation research, hazards research, risk communication and education, science-practice interface, and community-based capacity building and resilience. We encourage contributions that focus on the development and visualisationvisualization of storylines and narratives that can be applied effectively in the realm of multi-risk decision-making.